E-Discovery / E-Disclosure Solutions
You need to produce digital evidence for a legal proceeding? You need to conduct a e-discovery for an investigation by the S.E.C or the D.o.J.?
After the preservation of digital evidence and the recovery of digital evidence the evidence needs to be reviewed by your investigation and/or legal team. To assist you with the review of large quantities of digital evidence it is oftentimes better to use modern e-discovery solutions and to make the review process more efficient and less time consuming.
Many of these solutions offer special data reduction algorithms and offer a webbased reveiw plattform that allows the review by large teams of investigators that can even work remotely. Modern e-discovery solutions normally not only offer the classic linear keyword searches but also offer special search algorithms that allow concept searches, i.e. clustering documents by an analysis of sematic similarities between documents. Also these solutions normally offer a graphical/visual representation of evidence and the findings.
We will assist you when choosing a e-discovery solution and finding a e-discovery provider. We will advise you independently on the advantages and disadvantaged of the existing solutions. We also offer to assist you to manage the e-discovery project, to act as an contact person between you, your IT department, your legal department and any external service providers and to control the quality of their work and services.